Survive the Chocpopalyse!
The Delicio-Deluxe Hamper is the slightly smaller sibling of our Mega Deluxe Hamper - but no less delicious!
It features over 40 chocolate products, including a beautiful selection of Premium items from Butler's and Lily's, through to the best-loved names from Cadbury, Fry's, Milka and more!
Among the Premium goodies are Butler's Powder Puff 200g and Lily's Sticky Toffee Chocolate Box, which can be accompanied by an indulgent mug of Butler's Hot Chocolate! Other favourites include Milka Alpine Milk Bars, Munchies, Kit Kats and much more.
The Delicio Deluxe Hamper brings the major stars of Chocolate Celebrity out in full force!
A personalised message label is included in the price, making this a very lovely gift.
Comes in a Colourful Hamper Box.
Delicio-Deluxe Hamper
Yum yum........
A Collection of over 40 items.
Butlers Signature Collection 250g |
Truffles Nature Cocoa Dusted Truffles 150g |
Lily's Sticky Toffee 12 Chocolate Box 160g |
Grona Krendelyok Puff Pastries Pretzels 120g |
Butlers Milk Hot Chocolate Drink (10 Servings) 240g |
2 x Aero Large Peppermint Bar 100g |
Butlers Toffees 100g |
Butlers Fudge 125g |
5 x Bags of Jellies / Sweets 100g |
3 x Nestle Toffee Crisp 42g |
3 x Kit Kat 41.5g |
3 x Munchies Tube 52g |
3 x Rolo 37g |
3 x Yorkie 46g |
3 x Aero Mint 34g |
3 x Mars Bar 38g |
3 x Snickers Bar 39g |
2 x Fox's Classic 5's |