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Royal and Langnickel - Oil Painting Easel Set


An excellent quality artist set, making it an ideal gift for anyone interested in painting.


The set contains what you need for oil painting. And includes a table top easel, very useful for still life and portraits.


The pack comes in a handy to use carry case, which makes it easy for travel and will protect your paints and painting.



12 Oil Paint Tubes (12 ml)

6 White Bristle Brushes

Palette Knife

Canvas Board (11 in x 14 in)

Stretched Canvas (11 in x 14 in)

Tabletop Easel

Artist Tote

Wooden Artsist Paint Palette 

Carrying Case

Oil Painting Easel Set


100% IRISH

We are 100% Irish, by purchasing a hamper through you are supporting Irish jobs.


The invoice will be emailed to you.

The invoice will NOT be sent with the Hamper.


If you have any allergies to products, please read the contents in each product before consuming / using the product. For food products, the products contained within the above selection may contain nuts / sesame seeds or may have come from a factory where nuts / sesame seeds maybe present. Each item (except loose items) contained within the selection will have an advisory note on nuts and other allergy information. Please read these before consumption.


Due to the large selection of items in each hamper, from time to time, we may need to substitute some items. The substitute will be of a similar item or one of greater value to ensure that your selection is delivered on time.  All imagery is used for illustration purposes only and may not represent the final product.


Contents of the hamper are not suitable for babies or toddlers. For other children, parental supervision is advised.

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